Art & Music Department

Rohan Morrison

In grade 5 Art the students have been working with shapes in a crazy city design. We have also been rubbing textures to make collage and have formed groups to make images and props relating to the Primary performance.

In grade 6 Art the students have been working with block toned logo designs. We have also been card making and like the grade 5 students, have formed groups to make images and props relating to the Primary performance.

Grade 6 Art
Grade 6 Art
Click images to enlarge

In grade 5 Music we have been studying the pitches of sound. For low sounds the sound waves are wider than the higher pitches and this is represented as heights on lines. Lately we have been studying the melodies in our concert songs for "The Lorax" and "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". We've been playing them on instruments so we can compare this with the pitches of our voices.

In grade 6 Music we have been studying the values of notes and how their pitch is represented on bass and treble clef lines. Lately we have been studying the melodies in our concert songs for "How to train your Dragon" and "Shrek 3". We've been playing them on instruments so we can compare this with the pitches of our voices.


Safiye Yargi

Assalamu Alaikum,

I would like to wish all parents and students a blessed Ramadan. May Allah (c.c) accept all your fasting and prayers in this holy month.

This week, we had a Zaky incursion at Sirius College. The Foundation to Year 3 students were very excited to finally meet Zaky the Bear! The students watched Zaky movies, played quiz games and won prices. They were also able to take home a Zaky showbag. The students really enjoyed the incursion and loved giving Zaky a hug!

Zaky Incursion
Zaky Incursion
Click images to enlarge

My Ibadah Chart for Ramadan!

Ramadan Mubarak from the Foundation class! :)

Grade 6's at the 'Companions of the prophet' competition
Grade 6's at the 'Companions of the prophet' competition
Click images to enlarge


Levent Ozaltin

PE and Health

Kayleigh Blanchard

In Year 5 and 6 PE we have been looking at what makes a good team in sport, pupils have been using their leadership skills in order to lead a team of their peers in different sporting activities.

We have also been working in groups to create new sports and games using different equipment. The pupils imagination with creating these games has been fantastic and they have worked extra hard in delivering these new ideas to the rest of the class so all pupils could try something new.

In year 6 health we have been focusing on healthy eating and what makes up a balanced diet, pupils have been working on sorting foods into the correct food groups and starting to read nutrition guidelines in order to help create a healthy diet for different people.

Here is some of the work we have done so far…

PE and Health
PE and Health
Click images to enlarge

Pastoral Care

Levent Ozaltin

Pastoral Care Boys

Sirius college pastoral care department works in coordination with students and families for the promotion and maintenance of social, spiritual,and educational wellbeing of our student.

We have organized various activities such as afternoon/ Saturday programs, reading/quran /study camps iftars soccer tournaments, knowledge competitions and fundraising campaigns are organised as a part of our program throughout the educational year.

This is the highlights from our last soccer.

Well done boys :)

Pastoral Care Boys Activities
Pastoral Care Boys Activities
Click images to enlarge

Pastoral Care Girls

Safiye Yargi

Grade 6 pastoral care programs have finished for this Term. Instead we will begin having Iftar at each other's houses during Ramadan. We hope to have beneficial, fun and memorable programs in this blessed month. We wish our parents and students a very blessed Ramadan.

Grade 6 Girls in Pastoral Care

After School Clubs

Fusun Tufekci

Art Club with Ms. Fusun

The Art Club is working hard on making props for our school concert this term. As you may know, our concert theme for this year is 'authors', so the Art Club is busy working away trying to bring the most popular authors' books to life. Some of the characters you may see at the concert are:

Homework Club with Ms. Gokce

Gokce Aydin

This term homework club was a success. Student had a chance to complete all homework and use the ICT lab to finish off their Mathletics and Reading Eggs tasks online.

Homework club will end week 8 this term due to Ramadan starting in week 9. However, we will be back term 3, week 2!

Wishing you all a safe and joyful 3 week holiday!